Codification of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) Laws - Phase 1
Started: July 2023
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will comprehensively update and enhance laws governing the ENR sector, mainly its management and administration according to the Department's mandate under Executive Order No. 192.
The Codification of ENR Laws is a response to the need to make ENR Laws more responsive to the prevailing and emerging ENR concerns of the country, such as climate change, sea level rise, disaster risk, marine pollution, water security, and socio-economic and demographic issues in relation to the ENR, among others. Most existing laws were issued almost decades ago, with ENR circumstances far different from the current situation. Moreover, the present DENR mandates are not able to effectively respond to various demands of these ENR circumstances and the natural resources market. In some sectors of the DENR, the basic policies, while recent, are enacted in various statutes that need harmonization and integration with other sectors.
The first phase of this project will focus on the updating, enhancement, and harmonization of ENR sectoral laws.